Tobacco Free Rx

Local Legislative Efforts by State

​San Francisco: Ordinance 194-08 was introduced on April 29, 2008, finally passed on August 5, 2008, was signed by Mayor Gavin Newsom on August 7, 2008, and went into effect October 1, 2008.
See Article 19J in:
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted September 21, 2010 to expand the ban to apply to both grocery stores and "big box" stores that operate pharmacies. Download PDF of 2010 San Francisco ordinance.
Richmond, CA: Ordinance no. 38-09 N.S. was introduced October 20, 2009, passed November 17, 2009 and went into effect January 1, 2010.
October 21, 2014: California Dental Hygienists' Association wrote an endorsment letter in support of tobacco free pharmacies.
California Board of Pharmacy Recommends for Pharmacies and Chain Stores to Stop Tobacco Sales: On October 29, 2014, The California State Board of Pharmacy voted to adopt the following statement:
"The California State Board of Pharmacy recognizes that pharmacists are health care providers and pharmacies are in the business of improving customer health; therefore the board recommends that pharmacies and chain stores that include pharmacies eliminate the sale of tobacco, e-cigarettes and tobacco products, as these products are known to cause cancer, heart disease, lung disease and other health problems."
On November 28, 2014, State Health Officer, Dr. Ron Chapman, congratulated the California State Board of Pharmacy on their leadership. Click here for a copy of Dr. Chapman’s letter which can be used as a sample for local letters.
Hollister, CA: On January 23, 2015, Nob Hill grocery store of Hollister, CA, announced that it would eliminate tobacco sales.
On February 3, 2015, Hollister council members directed a city attorney to start drafting language for an ordinance, which will be considered at a later meeting.

​​State Representative Marlow H. Colvin introduced HB6149 on February 11, 2010 in the 96th General Assembly of the Illinois state legislature.
The bill would prohibit tobacco sales in hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. State Rep. Harry Osterman (D-Chicago) and Constance A. Howard (D-Chicago) are co-sponsors.​
A tobacco-free pharmacy bill was also drafted by the Illinois State Medical Society in 2008.
New Jersey
December 2, 2014: ShopRite stores of Medford and Lawnside, NJ announced that they would stop tobacco sales beginning January 1st.

New York

Visit the Capital District Tobacco-Free Coalition website
Nassau County Health commissioner Dr. Maria Torroella Carney on November 17, 2010 called on pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products.
Bill A05890 was introduced in 2009 by Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (Dem - Buffalo). This bill would have banned tobacco sales in pharmacies in New York State, but the bill failed to move beyond committee. S01234 was the partner bill.

Bill A08839 was introduced January 4, 2012 by New York State Assemblymember Matthew Titone. S6506 was the partner bill, introduced by Senator Lanza February 17, 2012. Download the 2012 NYS Senate bill here.
North Carolina

Ryan Madanick, MD, a gastroenterologist in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, began a petition on in February 2011 asking chain pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products.​ The petition received over 2,785 signatures.

Tillamook County: In 2011, the Tillamook County Health Department planned to pass an ordinance prohibiting tobacco sales in pharmacies as one of its specific public health objectives.

​Massachusetts has been the most successful state in passing legislation ensuring that its pharmacies are tobacco-free. Boston was the first in the state, but many cities and towns have followed suit. View a list of cities and towns in Massachusetts that have smoke free pharmacies here.

At the state legislature level, bill S1094 was presented by Susan C. Fargo and filed on Jan 21, 2011. Download a PDF of 2011 Massachusetts bill here.
April 25, 2014: HB1966 is sponsored by Rep. Sean Garballey. It is in the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, with a hearing in May. View the text here.
West Virgina

Senator Dan Foster (D-Kanawha) introduced Senate Bill 24 before the West Virginia Legislature on January 13, 2010.​

H.B. 3205, 105th Gen. Assem., Reg.Sess. (Tenn. 2008);
S.B. 3502, 105th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. (Tenn. 2008).​

November 20, 2014: The Iowa
Tobacco Prevention Alliance used
the Great American Smoke Out campaign as an opportunity to call upon Hy-Vee to stop selling tobacco products. The Alliance asked Iowans to support their request by signing a petition, which can be found here.
To read more about this story, click here

Emily Draper advocated for tobacco-free pharmacies in Oxford, Mississippi during her time as a student at the University Of Mississippi School Of Pharmacy.