Tobacco Free Rx

About Us
TobaccofreeRx is an interdisciplinary group of pharmacists, pharmacy school and medical school faculty, pharmacy students, nurses, physicians, attorneys, and health advocates that was organized in 2010 to end the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies.
Our mission is to allow pharmacies to fulfill their role as health-promoting facilities by ridding them of the burden of selling tobacco and tobacco products.
Our effort is not just about heart disease or stroke. It is not just about lung disease or lung cancer. The issue is not only for concerned pharmacists, current smokers, former smokers or for those who are trying to quit. Keeping our pharmacies tobacco-free is an issue that involves all these groups, and many others. was founded to give increased visibility for those working on this issue.
Board of Advisors
Alan Blum, MD
Gerald Leon Wallace Endowed Chair in Family Medicine, University of Alabama
Director, University of Alabama Center for the Study of Tobacco and Society (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)

Lisa Causey
Attorney, Salim-Beasley LLC (Natchitoches, Louisiana)

K. Michael Cummings, Phd
Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Co-Leader, Tobacco Research Program
Hollings Cancer Center
Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, South Carolina)
Bob Gordon
Project Director, California LGBT Tobacco Education Partnership (San Francisco, California)

Laura Gube
PharmD student and advocate, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy (Chicago, Illinois)
Karen Hudmon
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University College of Pharmacy (West Lafayette, Indiana)

Paul Jungnickel
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama)

Patrick Malone
Principal Attorney, Patrick Malone and Associates, P.C. (Washington, DC)

Julia Purpera
Roswell Park Cancer Institute (Buffalo, NY)
Judy Rightmyer
Director, Capital District Tobacco-Free Coalition (Albany, New York)
Elizabeth Sullivan
PharmD student and advocate, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy (Chicago, Illinois)

Ashley Weems
PharmD (Tuscaloosa, Alabama)

D.J. Wilson
Tobacco Control Director, Massachusetts Municipal Association (Boston, Massachusetts)

TobaccoFreeRx was founded by Vinayak Jha, MD. Dr. Jha practices pulmonary and critical care medicine with the San Francisco Critical Care Medical Group. He was previously Assistant Professor of Medicine and Program Director of the Fellowship Program in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the George Washington University in Washington, DC.
We invite you to join us in our work to combat tobacco dependence and decrease the number of children and adults who fall victim to nicotine addiction. If you would like to collaborate, assist, or donate your time or money, please contact us.
Is there a locality introducing legislation that you don't see listed in "Local Efforts?" Please let us know.
* Statement of our professional affiliations does not necessarily constitute endorsement by our respective institutions.​

Webdesign By Julia Purpera