Tobacco Free Rx

Local Legislative Efforts by US State

​San Francisco:Ordinance 194-08 was introduced on April 29, 2008, finally passed on August 5, 2008, was signed by Mayor Gavin Newsom on August 7, 2008, and went into effect October 1, 2008.
See Article 19J in:
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted September 21, 2010 to expand the ban to apply to both grocery stores and "big box" stores that operate pharmacies.
Media coverage:
See Video from date 9/13/10
nathan-ballard-ban, September 21, 2010
Richmond, CA Ordinance no. 38-09 N.S. was introduced October 20, 2009, passed November 17, 2009 and went into effect January 1, 2010.
District of Colombia


​State Representative Marlow H. Colvin introduced HB6149 on February 11, 2010 in the 96th General Assembly of the Illinois state legislature.
The bill would prohibit tobacco sales in hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. State Rep. Harry Osterman (D-Chicago) and Constance A. Howard (D-Chicago) are co-sponsors.​
A tobacco-free pharmacy bill was also drafted by the Illinois State Medical Society in 2008.
Media coverage:

Susan C. Fargo sponsored S. 1094 on Jan 21, 2011. This bill is intended to restrict the sale of tobacco products at locations where health professionals are employed. See related news story .​​
A current list of Massachusetts municipalities that have city ordinance or health regulation banning pharmacy tobacco sales is available from D.J. Wilson of the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
As of May 22, 2012, 32 municipalities in Massachusetts have enacted such legislation or regulations. These cities and towns constitute 30% of the state's population. A partial list follows:
Boston, MA -- A ban on tobacco sales in health care institutions in Boston (including retail institutions that operate or containing pharmacies) was approved on December 11, 2008 and went into effect February 9, 2009.
Media coverage:
Brookline, MA Town meeting member Tommy Vitolo sponsored a warrant article intended to ban health care institutions and educational institutions from selling tobacco; the outcome should be decided in November 2011.
Everett, MA On May 24, 2010 the Board of Health voted unanimously to ban the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies. This went into effect on June 15, 2010.
Fall River, MA The Fall River City Council voted on March 22, 2011 to approve a ban on the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and educational establishments.
Framingham, MA In August 2009, the Board of Health considered placing a town wide ban on cigarette sales inside Framingham pharmacies.
Lancaster, MA The sale of tobacco products in health care institutions including pharmacies has been banned. See related story.
Needham, MA The Board of Health voted on July 14, 2009 to approve the ban of tobacco sales in pharmacies; the ban went into effect Oct. 1, 2009.
Newton, MA On November 15, 2009, the Board of Aldermen approved, by an 18-3 vote, a ban forbidding pharmacies from selling tobacco products.
New York

Find sample resolutions for local and state organizations on .
Nassau County Health commissioner Dr. Maria Torroella Carney on November 17, 2010 called on pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products.
Bill A05890 was introduced in 2009 by Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (Dem - Buffalo). This bill would have banned tobacco sales in pharmacies in New York State, but the bill failed to move beyond committee. S01234 was the partner bill.​

Tillamook County: The Tillamook County Health Department, as one of its specific public health objectives in 2011, plans to pass an ordinance prohibiting tobacco sales in pharmacies. See page 19 of their 2010-2013 comprehensive plan.​

H.B. 3205, 105th Gen. Assem., Reg.Sess. (Tenn. 2008);
S.B. 3502, 105th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. (Tenn. 2008).​
West Virgina

Senator Dan Foster (D-Kanawha) introduced Senate Bill 24 before the West Virginia Legislature on January 13, 2010.​

​Oxford, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect March 1, 2011.​​
Somerville, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect July 1, 2011.
Southborough, MA On December 15, 2010, the Southborough Board of Health voted unanimously to ban the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies in Southborough. Members of the Southborough Board of Health include physicians .
Uxbridge, MA The Uxbridge Board of Health had passed an ordinance banning the sale of tobacco in pharmacies, BUT this part of the ordinance has been rescinded by the new Board of Health. (Information provided by DJ Wilson, public health liason, Massachusetts Municipal Association).
Wakefield, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect June 1, 2011.
Walpole, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect October 21, 2010.
Wellesley, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect June 1, 2011.
Westford, MA The Board of Health has planned a public hearing in August 2010 as it considers banning the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies.
Westwood, MA Ban via health regulation went into effect June 30, 2011.
Worcester, MA Ban via city ordinance went into effect June 24, 2011.